macchinari per produzione e lavorazione di cioccolato, frutta secca, fave di cacao e caffè usate
Sei alla ricerca di macchine e attrezzature usate e garantite per la lavorazione e trasformazione del cioccolato?
Selmi Chocolate Machinery è la risposta!
Tutte le macchine provengono dal Selmi Training Centre.
Nella nostra nuovissima area dedicata all’usato troverai macchine e attrezzature industriali per la lavorazione e trasformazione del cioccolato ricondizionate e collaudate dai nostri tecnici e operai specializzati direttamente presso la nostra sede produttiva aziendale.
Offriamo un anno di garanzia sull’usato Selmi Chocolate Machinery: la miglior qualità e tecnologia sul mercato.
Consulta la nuovissima sezione Selmi dedicata all’usato garantito per trovare sempre nuove offerte, così da consentirti di utilizzare la miglior tecnologia per la lavorazione del cioccolato ad un prezzo davvero imbattibile!
Contattaci per avere maggiori informazioni e ulteriori offerte.
Il nostro staff commerciale sarà lieto di aiutarti e consigliarti nella scelta della miglior macchina per il cioccolato adatta al tuo laboratorio e alla tua produzione.
Chocolate coating panning machine for chocolate dragèes production
Year: 2017. 220V Single-phase
Condition: Excellent
Comfit Maxi
Chocolate coating panning machine for chocolate dragèes production
Filler Praline
Benchtop chocolate filling injector for pralines
Year: 2020. 220 V single phase
Condition: Excellent
Rotating machine for moulds to produce chocolate hollow bodies
Grain six cylinders
Machines for the processing of dried nuts - crusher
Grain four cylinders
Machines for the processing of dried nuts - crusher
Year: 2021. 220 V single phase
Condition: Excellent
Mould Loader 175
Chocolate moulding machine
Year: 2015. 220 V single phase
Condition: Very Good
Plus EX
Used chocolate tempering machine
Year: 2015. 400 V three phase
Condition: Excellent
Automatic chocolate truffle enrobing machine in two sections
Year: 2021. 220V Single-phase
Condition: excellent
Top EX
Used chocolate tempering machine
Year: 2020. 400 V three phase
Condition: Very Good
Futura EX
Used chocolate tempering machine
Year: 2021. 400 V three phase
Condition: Excellent
TUNNEL 8 metres
Chocolate enrobing, moulding and cooling tunnel
Belt Width: 300mm Decoration area: 400mm Detacher: 400mm
TUNNEL 8 metres
Chocolate enrobing, moulding and cooling tunnel
Year: 2019. 380V Three-phase. Condition: Good
Oneshot Tuttuno 4 production line
Used complete chocolate Oneshot Tuttuno 4 production line
Tunnel 5 mt. Chocolate cooling tunnel
Belt Width 400mm Decoration area 800mm Detacher 400mm
Year 2024 380V Three-phases. Condition Excellent
Oneshot Tuttuno 9 with Vibra
Used Tuttuno 9 Oneshot chocolate production line
This offer consists of: Oneshot Tuttuno 9 (2022) | Vibra (2022)
Automatic aligner for chocolate products and truffles
Year: 2020. 220V Single-phase
Condition: Excellent
Clusters Teglia
Used cluster automatic production of chocolate agglomerates with nuts inclusions
Year: 2021. 220V Single-phase
Condition: Excellent
Clusters Tunnel
Used cluster automatic production of chocolate agglomerates with nuts inclusions
Year: 2022. 220V Single-phase
Condition: Excellent
Conca 100
Used chocolate conche melting mixer for chocolate bean to bar production
Micron 25
Used chocolate tempering machine
Year: 2022. 400 V three phase
Condition: Excellent
Continuous chocolate mixer and melter
Year: 2019. 400 V three phase
Condition: Very Good
Sieve for Bean to Bar chocolate and spreadable creams filtering
Year: 2019. 400 V three phase
Condition: Exellent
Polycarbonate moulds
Euro 6,00 + transport costs. Minimum order 1 box of 40 pieces per reference. Size: 135X175 mm.
Polycarbonate moulds
Polycarbonate chocolate moulds used at Training Centre Selmi Condition: Excellent
Euro 6,00 + transport costs. Minimum order 1 box of 40 pieces per reference. Size: 175X275 mm